by: Rishab Soman - 9-2 US I
Other Connections Derived from Amistad Mutiny
Correlated Events to Amistad Mutiny:
1. Harriet Tubman's Underground Railroad
2. Frederick Douglass' North Star
3. President Lincoln's Support for Abolitionists
1. Harriet Tubman constructed his railroad in the early 1850s and we could link this event to the Amistad court case in 1841 (Supreme Court final verdict). Throughout the 1840s, multiple ideas of abolitionists and the growing rage of slaves was prevailing. The Americans were trying to get convinced of their rights, and the Amistad case really evoked that movement however slow it is. The movement was especially slow because of the tight anti-slavery provinces in the South. But such pamphlets and doctrines thrown forward by African Americans and abolitionists couldn't stay forever without the development of profound changes towards racial equality. The basic gist of abolitionists flowed down the Eastern United States until it made its way into the South. Spreading ideas of anti-slavery were growing and in the South, certain African American slaves took action and one of them notably being Harriet Tubman. Tubman developed the undergound railroad system and hence became a conductor of the network system. She helped the first slaves to freedom up North. The Amistad mutiny revived interest and caused a chain reaction. A historical chain reaction is defined to be a single event that sparks another event and in turn, produces another event from the previous. The Amistad mutiny caused a revival of interest in the subject matter of racial segregation which in turn brought about informing pamphlets, leaflets, and events which subsequently caused multiple submovements. A submovement is defined to be the development of a side movement that occurred as a result of the overarching original movement. The most essential derivation and connection to the ongoing political and economic matter of slavery goes straight to Harriet Tubman's journey to break the barriers confining and constricting freedom.
2. The second event connection that I found to be the most concerned with the development of the Abolitionist movement was Frederick Douglass' North Star. The North Star was an anti-slavery newspaper. Frederick Douglass was an African American himself, and was a prominent and truly inspring abolitionist. He would often write ideologies and doctrines in these newspapers that focused on the basics of human rights and how slaves shouldn't exist simply due to race. Why was he inspiring though? What truly makes Douglass stand out is that he is a Maryland runaway slave himself and the North Star is emotionally powerful such that it takes on Douglass' real experiences. He also helped with the transport of slaves to the North via the Underground Railroad with Tubman, and lectured the North to be against slavery entirely. What links this with the Amistad Mutiny? Well, obviously the Amistad Mutiny helped to spread information about egalitarian rights and advance the Abolitionist movements as a whole. Douglass was revved up by the recent revival of interest in human rights and continued to fight before and during the Civil War that occurred in 1865. I saw the instant connection that the Eastern side of America was definitely split in their stance on slavery. The Amistad case and the verdict supporting the African American sparked controversy on both sides: the North AND the South. Some people supported this decision that they are not to be treated as mere trade items and joined the Abolitionist movement, yet some people went against this decision and were ANTI-Abolitionists. The Amistad mutiny caused this divide, and strengthened the will of those rising Abolitionists. Frederick Doiglass took this inspiration and after he ranway from his slave owners, pledged to spend the rest of his life trying to change the corrupt system that is, slavery by writing meaningful, emotionally powerful newspapers.
3. President Abraham Lincoln was gaining his supporters at the moment, particularly in the late 1850s recent 1860s, and he is arguably the most influential people in all of American history for his proof of concept in his stance against slavery. And his most stellar job done, which is the testament of truly complete racial equality, is Lincoln's presidential proclamation by the name of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. He was successfully able to unite the North and South upon egalitarian principles and an equivocal society. But, it is said that Lincoln was the first to ever do something about the cruel nature of slavery that existed. He felt each and every slave that was poorly treated and being used as if "property". However, all humans are born equal and the Emancipation Proclamation was if not the greatest step away from the darkness and into a single bright unified future. Lincoln must have heard of the events of the Amistad mutiny and the Harriet Tubman underground railroad and thus, he was able to do something to change the preexisting norms. All of the 53 illegally seized African Americans were right to resort to fights of self-defense. Lincoln fully supports this ideology that if anyone, no matter what race he/she is, is treated unfairly, they should act in the name of justice and free themselves. Just because the 53 captured slaves were of African descent, does NOT make them as simple as monetary "trade" items. Lincoln would declare that slaves are not "monetary units" with which could be sold, but rather are living, human beings. The entire Abolitionist movement was advanced thanks to the supporters of the Amistad case verdict and those abolitionists who wrote many newspapers, leaflets, and pamphlets in the name of justice served for the African Americans.